Since I've run out of videos to comment on, and I'm not quite where I want to be with the build before I become 'current' and start discussing that, I've decided the next selection of blog posts will be talking about the design process on the various subsystems of the project.
I design. A LOT. I spend hours and days in my notebook, PowerPoint, SolidWorks, whatever the design tool of the hour. Why? Because design time is free, at least as far as personal projects are concerned. It lets me mull over, and over, and over, and over a project. I suffer from Hyperactive Imagination Disorder (self diagnosed, and no it's not a real affliction). One of my favorite dialogs with some friends went thusly:
Friend: "Scott, I best describe you as a circle."
Other Friend: "Why, because he's 'well rounded'?"
Friend: "No, because goes on an infinite number of tangents."
So why that tangent? Well, if left to my own devices, ideas spin and spin and spin in my head and I'd never get anything done. So my design time is more or less just getting all these random tangents down on paper (or sometimes files). I take all these errant buzzing visions and see if they are practical and meaningful. This is probably a large contributor to my 'one-upping projects endlessly' problem, I have too many good ideas. It's going to be expensive now that I know I can actually do the 3D modelling, the electronics, and so on required for said ideas. But anyways...
So yah, welcome to the musings of my mad head. Should be fun.